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Cheap, under $150 couch or sofa with good reviews (above 4 stars out of 5)
Cheap, under $150 couch or sofa that seats at least 2 people with good reviews (above 4 stars out of 5 and at least 100 ratings)
cheap queen-size or full-size mattress under $150 with good reviews and free shipping
at least 6 or 8 inch queen-size or full-size hybrid or spring mattress under $150 without fiberglass with good reviews and free shipping.
at least 6 or 8 inch queen-size or full-size hybrid or spring mattress under $130 without fiberglass with good reviews and free shipping.
6-inch or 8-inch fiberglass-free full-size hybrid or spring mattress under $150 with good reviews and free shipping.
6-inch or 8-inch fiberglass-free medium-firm full-size spring mattress under $150 with good reviews and free shipping.
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