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looking for over the head headphones with amazing review
I want something for music, so needs great overall sound. Noice cancellation, bluetooth, and possibly some EQ settings
I want premium headphones, need them to last and have amazing sound quality
Something between $200 and $400
Any refurbished?
what's the difference between the Sony wh1000xm3 and the sony 1000xm4
The difference between the wh1000xm3 and wh1000xm4
what are the cons?
Is there an newer Sony that uses a new bluetooth verion?
What's the difference between the Sony WH-1000XM5 and Sony WH-1000XM4
Do they both use the new version of bluetooth?
Do they have Google assistant?
What is the cheapest price for the WH-1000XM4?
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